This month marks the 10th anniversary of our newsletter, Zero2Sixty. In celebration and in keeping with the times, our baby is growing up and has morphed into our new blog - "Zero2Sixty - TechBytes for Smart Business". We are excited to introduce new topics including a section devoted entirely to our RevITup Business...
We’re All a-Twitter
Yes, it's true we've been bitten by the blog bug (and we are all a-Twitter, too) ... of course, those of you who know our team know that any chance to espouse, pontificate, speculate and wax poetic on anything technical can't be passed up. Of course, now that we are...
Welcome To The RevITup Business Care Client Forum
The RevITup Business Care Client Forum is a place where existing Launch Pad Business Care clients can check in and get the latest information on Launch Pad Business Care Services. The forum is designed as a place where clients can connect with our Client Solutions Team and share technology ideas, better...
Taking it to The Streets – Smart Mobility Technologies for Small Business
Did you know that on the average, the small business workforce spends almost 25% of its time on the road? Not only that but a recent survey by CompTIA (Computer Technology Industry Association) indicates that about 10% of the SMB workforce is now mobile with at least one employee telecommuting...
Could Your Business Survive if you Lost Access to Your Data for a Week?
In today's information economy, businesses thrive on the intellectual property they produce. This is a fancy way to say that your data (Word docs, spreadsheets, databases, customer lists, etc.) is the heart and soul of your business. The challenge for many small businesses is that they never slow down long enough...