One of our main goals as your trusted technology advisor and solutions provider is to protect your data. Our RevITup BDR™ Business Continuity Solution is an absolutely bulletproof way to protect and manage server data and guarantee uptime (we think it is the next best think to sliced bread). However, we...
Defrag – It Really Is a Big Deal
A computer is only as fast as its slowest component--and the disk drive lays claim to that dubious distinction. So rather than opting for a faster CPU or more memory, go for the least expensive option and enhance machine performance with a defragmenter. It will free up time for you,...
EMR is the New Hot Technology for Medical Practices; But The Wrong System be a Costly Mistake
The following article is excerpted from an interview with Dan Rogers, President of Medco Data , a trusted Launch Pad Partner Sidestepping [EMR] Pitfalls (excerpted with permission form Technically Speaking) Selecting the right EMR solution can entail weighing a complex set of variables for the practice. The wrong solution or ill-planned implementation can mean thousands...
How SMB’s Can Spot Economic Changes Before the Professionals Do
How can you see when the economy heads south or improves before the professionals do? As it turns out, fairly easily. Small businesses are on the front lines of the economy and the changes in your business will be visible to you before the government data gets interpreted and reported...
Bigger is Not Always Better – Its Not your NOTEbook
So, aside from the fact it can almost fit in your pocket, why do you want a Netbook? Price is a big factor. For basic computing, they work just fine. They are good for the road and big enough to actually have a screen that is useful. One of our...