Launch Pad CEO, Ilene Rosoff Celebrates at the Inc. 500/5000 Gala Awards

The Launch Pad CEO, Ilene Rosoff attended Inc. Magazine's gala awards ceremony celebrating the Inc. 500/5000,  America's fastest-growing privately held companies.  In an effort to highlight the extraordinary people and organizations on the list, Inc. throws an extravaganza in Washington, D.C. to acknowledge their amazing achievements. It was a beautiful...

Windows 7: Legacy Applications – Here We Go Again (part 4 of 7 part series)

In IT the term "legacy" crops up every once in a while.  Once used to loosely define applications that ran on mainframes, as/400's, etc; legacy applications now have a new definition. Legacy applications, in terms of Windows programs, are any application that will not run in Windows 7 native. Windows 7...