With the big push on "Going Green", many consumers and businesses are looking for the products that are more energy efficient and less expensive. The best way to find the products that are energy efficient is to look for the Energy Star certified sticker or designated "Power saving" by the...
A New Kind of Touchy-Feely Notebook
If you like the whole "touch" interface concept that iPhone has made so popular, then Levovo's Multitouch Notebooks with upcoming "SimpleTap" are something you will want to get your hands on. This is a particularly efficient concept for those on the go or in the field that juggle a notebook, documents, cell...
Get a Sneak Peek Into The Launch Pad’s MSP IT Franchise – Webinar Part II
RevITup™ Enterprises with Channelpro Magazine Presents MSP Business-in-a-Box The Launch Pad's Managed Services Franchise - Your Ticket to Fast Growth Webinar Part 2 Aired Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 1:00PM ET Sign up to view the Archive. Please Join Us for Part II of "A Managed Services Franchise Model - Your...
The Launch Pad’s RevITup™ Webinar Series – Take the Fear Out of Data Backup & Keep the Gremlins at the Gate
Thursday, October 29th, 2009 11:30AM - 12:30PM Over 80% of Small - Mid-size Organizations Lack a Viable Disaster Recovery Strategy or Even a "Loss of Server" Strategy. Another 60% Have a Backup Solution That Will Fail When a Restore is Needed. Is This Your Company? During this webinar you...
How to Squeeze the Web – The Truth about Speeds and Feeds
Two popular concerns for making the most of the web are how fast can I go and how fast can I find what I am searching for. Speeds Let's face it, all of us have spent way too much time waiting for websites to load as we surf the internet. ...