Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop and XenServerIn order to be able to create a virtualized environment where multiple "severs" can run within a single physical box, you need to have software that sits underneath the sever operating system. Citrix and VMware are the two industry standards for Windows-based virtualization. Citrix has...
Get Tech Smart with our RevITup™ TechEd Webinar Series & Resource Library
As a technology solutions provider one of our primary mandates is to educate small and mid-sized businesses about technology tools and solutions that solve problems. We also seek to give you the tools to make good technology choices, understand the right questions to ask and get the most out of...
Going Green Means Saving Green: RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ – Part One
Part One - RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ Why go Virtual? Why choose the Launch Pad's VirtualGreen Office™? As our previous posts on virtualization covered, there are three main points to going green. Green is not some marketing term used to sell a product, and its not some hot trend or fad that...