The barrier to entrance for some small businesses using Blackberry's has been the cost of the BlackBerry server. In order to properly use all of the calendaring, contacts and shared mail integration to Exchange, the server and liceneses were requred. Now Research in Motion, BlackBerry's parent company, will begin offering free...
The Launch Pad’s RevITup™ Legal TechEd Webinar Series
It may surprise you to know that on the average law firms devote more than 80% of IT staff time and budget to infrastructure and user management. Less than 20% of technology resources are applied to the practice of law. Green IT and virtualization have created a buzz and are...
Launch Pad Team Franchise Presents 2nd in 10-part Channelpro Sponsored Podcast: “Sales & Marketing – Stop Chasing the Illusive Golden Goose”
Join us for Part II of The Launch Pad's 10-part MSP Franchise Business-in-a-Box Podcast Series tracking the nation's first managed IT service franchise launch. Featured in this episode with Channelpro editor Michael Siggins and Launch pad CEO, Ilene Rosoff; "Sales & Marketing - Stop Chasing the Illusive Golden Goose." Managed...
Windows 7 – A Quick Primer on the Cost to Upgrade
So now that Windows 7 has hit the market and starting to make its way into business networks, whats the judgement? Mostly, a definite improvement over previous versions of Windows. However, there are some caveats and facts that your should be aware of. First, is the real cost to upgrade. Most...
TechRec – Lenovo’s IdeaPad U1 is One Smart Laptop/Tablet Hybrid
Lenovo's IdeaPad U1 is a clever combination of multi-touch tablet and laptop. The device is notebook computer with a detachable screen that has it's own processor and can be used as a multi-touch slate tablet. When closed it looks like a regular laptop, with rounded edges and a snazzy red...