When faced with difficult economic decisions due to a reduction in funding, many nonprofit organizations find the task of keeping business functions aligned with a comprehensive data security plan very challenging. The unfortunate result is often data security becomes a check list item that gets pushed back until it's too late...
The Launch Pad’s RevITup™ Lunch & Learn Webinar
The Cloud Has Finally Landed. Should Your Company Head In? Date: May 26, 2010 Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30PM Everyone is talking about cloud computing but what does it really mean for your business? Is The Cloud just vaporware or is this the future of your company's technology? Miss...
TechRec: Let The Launch Pad Help Your Company Migrate From Windows XP-2-7
Windows XP is officially ending through Microsoft on July 1, 2010. Take advantage of The Launch Pad's complimentary Launch Pad XP-2-7 Migration Roadmap Service. The Roadmap will provide the migration path and costs associated with moving your company to Windows 7. The XP-2-7 Migration Roadmap will be conducted by one of...