TechRec: Raise Your Business Security IQ RevITup™ WebSentry Managed Internet Series

Did you know that on average employees spend 20 – 25% of their time using the Internet for non-sanctioned purposes?  In a tough economy the last thing we can afford is to have productivity decline or have our network  infected with unexplained spyware and malware. Even just an hour a...

Secure Your Business, Protect Your Data & Meet Compliance. The Full Scoop on Data Backup & Protection

Simply having a daily backup on tape leaves too much at risk.  Tape backups are, simply put, not reliable.  Every company should perform off-site data backup and storage.   With tape backup, companies need to store the tapes in an offsite location that is secure and accessible, while disk systems...

Most SMBs claim to have a Disaster Preparedness Plan. But … almost none are tested. Does your business have a tested plan?

Ensuring that sensitive information, such as customer or financial records, not only remain protected during a crisis, but are also accessible following a crisis, is critical to a well organized disaster recovery plan. All organizations should have a viable and tested data protection strategy. Here are 5 steps to successful...