Give Back with GreenBack and Share the Technology Wealth with Local Nonprofits

In light of the Holiday Season and "giving" spirit this time of year, many businesses look for ways to give back to the community and/or those who are less-fortunate. At The Launch Pad, we too strive to give back and have a great way to do just that - while...

What is Data De-Duping (De-Duplication) and what does it mean to your business?

In the technology world of increasingly large amounts of data, the challenge of how to manage it has become a hot issue for many organizations.  The obvious problem of where to store the data is compounded by logistical issues of how to back it up, the performance problems with large...

Mobile Security in the Cloud – Is the “Portal in Your Pocket” really a liability?

Every day, I read several tech blogs, newsletters, and IT industry publications and I would estimate that 90% of them are talking about "the cloud" in some capacity. Many of them are pretty standard and sound about the same as articles from 2-3 years ago; what is the cloud, who...

Mobile Acceptance: “Cutting the cord” and enabling “Deskless” technology for business use

Is your business using mobile or "smart" devices (i.e. iPhone, Android Phone, Tablets, and/or notebooks) and experiencing as much productivity from them as desktop computers? Are any of your employees using their personal devices for professional use? Or, do you allow your employees to use company-issued devices outside of work...