The Launch Pad is pleased to welcome Stone, Parker & Company, CPA, PA as our newest RevITup Business Care Managed IT Services client to join our family. Founded in 1973, Stone Parker & Company provides outstanding service to their clients because of their dedication to the three underlying principles of...
TechRec – Mobile Apps Series: AirDroid, Daemonsync & Greenify
TechRec - There is a never-ending quest to find the next big thing in business apps to increase productivity and efficiency. To help you navigate the seemingly endless sea of apps out there, we feature the ones that we believe would be most beneficial to you when running your business...
Think You Might Have Received a Spoofed Email? Here’s How to Tell
This morning I received an email from our CEO, Ilene Rosoff asking me to let her know if I was available to process a wire transfer to a vendor. At first glance, everything about the email appeared to be legitimate. Ilene's email address and image appeared in the header as...
Have Your Accounts Been Hacked?
Last week, hackers stole data from VTech servers compromising the account information of 200,000 kids and 5 million parents. This was on the heels of an Experian breach, affecting 15 million T-Mobile customers. With all of these fast and furious breaches occurring, how can you tell if you are a...
7 Ways Hackers Can Use Wi-Fi Against You
Wi-Fi — oh so convenient, yet oh so dangerous. Here are seven ways you could be giving away your identity through a Wi-Fi connection and what to do instead. Using free hotspots They seem to be everywhere, and their numbers are expected to quadruple over the next four years. But...