How to Check Your Router for Malware – Reposted from HowtoGeek

Reports of hackers infiltrating personal routers for nefarious activities have been in the news lately.  Our friends at HowtoGeek recently posted a great article on how to determine if your home router has been compromised and we thought it was something our readers would find informative. Consumer router security is...

8 Ways to Fend off Spyware, Malware and Ransomware

At The Launch Pad we believe the best defense against spyware, malware, and ransomeware infections is education. The more we understand how we are vulnerable, the more we are able to protect ourselves from these costly and time consuming intrusions. Paul Mah wrote a great article for and we...

Pretty Soon We Could All be Surfing the Dark Net

Many of us have heard of the mysterious Dark Net, a parallel internet best know as home to a collection of illicit websites that cater to political activists, rogues or for purchasing illegal goods and services.  What many people don't know is that the Dark Net is becoming more mainstream...

Creating Compelling Creative Presentations is a Breeze with Sway

Keeping your audience engaged is the cornerstone of any successful presentation. PowerPoint has been the mainstay of most presenters because it is realiable and easy to use but it sometimes can seem a bit flat and old fashioned in today's increasingly connected world.  Recently, Microsoft unveiled it's latest addition to...