TechRec: Betterspot Portable VPN Seeks to Make Browsing Secure Everywhere

Everyone from the company you work for to governments, and of course hackers can find out where you’ve been browsing on the Internet if you don’t take the necessary precautions. Betterspot is a portable VPN (virtual private network) that wants to empower you with a device that will protect your...

TechRec – Mobile Apps Series: WhatsApp, Wire & Signal

At The Launch Pad, we use messaging apps to communicate with our co-workers whether they are in the office next door or out in the field. Like texting, messaging is a quick way to quickly pass information without interrupting work flow. Following our company policy, we never message sensitive information...

Navigate Multiple Browsers with Ease With Universal Browser Shortcuts

Everyday keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for Cut and Paste respectively help you work more efficiently. Many people may not know there are a number of universal browser shortcuts that are the same whether you are using, IE, Chrome, Firefox or Edge. There are an overwhelming number of universal...