The Key to Better Cybersecurity: Keep Employee Rules Simple

It’s a common adage that employees are the weak link in corporate cybersecurity. But I believe they are also the best defense, if they are given policies that are easy to follow and not too numerous and complex. Employee security training and best practices need to be user friendly and...

8 Steps to Take Within 48 Hours of a Data Breach

A data breach itself is the second worst possible event which can occur in an organization; the mismanagement of the communication about the response is the worst." This observation comes from Exabeam chief security strategist Steve Moore, who has tracked criminal and nation-state adversaries and led the largest healthcare breach...

The iOS 11 Privacy and Security Settings You Should Set Up Right Now

If you are an iPhone user, you really should update to iOS 11 if you haven't already. iOS 11 has a number of important security features you will want to take advantage of. The first new update allows users to limit app location tracking to all the time, just when...

Average Business User Must Keep Track of 191 Passwords

The majority of data breaches leverage a weak, reused, or stolen password, according to a report from LastPass. Here are some of the ways employees are compromising their passwords. The average business employee must keep track of 191 passwords, according to a report from password management firm LastPass, released Wednesday....