While you may think your personal information is actually personal, you'd be surprised how much information about you winds up online. Just do a search for yourself on Pipl, a people search directory, to see the personal details out there. (Go on, we'll wait.) Chances are the search came up...
How to Link or Embed an Excel Worksheet in a Word Document
Sometimes, you want to include the data on an Excel spreadsheet in your Microsoft Word document. There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on whether or not you want to maintain a connection with the source Excel sheet. Let’s take a look What’s the Difference Between Linking...
Criminals Can Steal Your Phone Number. Here’s How to Stop Them
Criminals can steal your phone number by pretending to be you, and then moving your number to another phone. They’ll then receive security codes sent via SMS on their phone, helping them gain access to your bank account and other secure services. What is a Port Out Scam? “Port out...