5 Tips to Secure a Company in America’s Most Hacked City – Reposted from Tampa Bay Business Journal

tbbj-logoRecently, Tampa was given the dubious honor of being named the most hacked city in America.  The Tampa Bay Business Journal posted an article with tips on how Tampa businesses can better protect themselves against an attack and we thought we would share it.

Enigma Software Group USA LLC, a Clearwater security software developer, called Tampa the most hacked city in the nation.

Warning that major data breaches at the likes of Target, Sony Pictures and Home Depot aren’t one-offs, Tampa-based attorney M. Lisa Shasteen provided the following five tips to avoid infection and even benefit from preparation.

1) Assume the worst An adage among information security folks: the two kinds of companies in this world are those who were hacked and those who don’t know it yet.  Shasteen estimates that in 2013, criminals, countries and activists spent three-and-a-half times as much to create malicious software, or malware than people spent to combat it.  Acknowledging security weaknesses is step one to better preparation.

2) Set an example Most infections come from employees, even CEOs, clicking on a malicious link or opening an email attachment hiding something more devious than a cat photo.  Make computer and online best practices part of regular business conversation.

3) Revisit the budget Too many CEOs fire their chief information security offices after a breach, Shasteen said.  She encourages leaders to understand hackers work all hours to find vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and networks, with new weak spots discovered every day. Revisiting the security budget and protocols is a worthy discussion for any industry.

4) Revisit the protocols Engage the counsel in charge of information risk analysis.  Understand what protocols are in place to avoid allowing a network infection and how to legally, ethically, and practically act once an infection is discovered.

5) Sell security as a competitive advantage  Hacked competitors are viewed as less trustworthy by clients who share personal, financial and health information.  Make your company the one that is sensitive to data security and willing to discuss how it’s protecting clients.

To learn more about the tools and strategies to keep your business secure in today complex technology landscape, download our latest RevITup TechEd Webinar, Security Unmasked – Exposing The Technology Monsters in Your Business. Contact Megan Meisner for more information at mmeisner@launchpadonline.com or call 813-448-7100 x210.

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