Protecting Your Network Users… From Themselves

 On a regular basis, we come across users on company networks that have “self infected” their computers with viruses, malware (malicious computer programs), spy ware or some other bad computer program.  

Why “self inflicted”?

 Well how did their computer become infected? A web advertisement popped up saying “Your computer is infected with a virus. To clean your computer, click here”. After they’ve clicked on the “warning”, a few seconds later their computer is infected with a nasty program designed to a) get them to pay for an anti-virus program that might not even work b) spy on their keystrokes or worse.

One reason why employers and their IT providers (read The Launch Pad) urge you to consider (or actually do) lock down computers is to prevent lost productivity and data loss due to virus/malware/hacker attack.  On one hand employers want to give their employees the freedom to download the tools they feel they need to work – Skype, Windows Messenger, PDF utilities and etc. On the other hand the legitimate fear that employees will install a malicious program is exists. 

One big hack attack we see are emails that purportedly come from UPS, FEDEX or some other critical institution in every business professional’s life. These emails have zip files attached to them and unsuspecting users open the attachments and get infected.  Data theft by employees should also be of concern to employers.  Network security software developer GFI conducted a survey in the UK to measure the awareness of businesses to internal data loss. The survey results found that amongst other things, despite the higher rates of redundancies and staff dissatisfaction that has been proven to increase employee-led information theft, only 22% of respondents believe that of all the security threats, internal ones are of more cause for concern. Indeed, as many as 50% were ‘not that concerned’ about the threat of data theft by leaving employees.

When considering your company’s security and productivity, we recommend that you develop a holistic and all around solution that can protect you from threats inside and outside of your business.  Locking down your computers does not mean your employees’ freedom has to be completely removed. What it does mean is that for the sake of the company, reasonable restrictions, with exceptions, need to be in place.  If this is something you would like to discuss in more detail, please feel free to contact our support team and they can assist in developing the proper policies for your environment.

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