Introducing RevITup™ ImageBack – Eliminate User Data Loss and Software Reloads

One of our main goals as your trusted technology advisor and solutions provider is to protect your data.  Our RevITup BDR™ Business Continuity Solution is an absolutely bulletproof way to protect and manage server data and guarantee uptime (we think it is the next best think to sliced bread).  However, we live in the real world and we know that sometimes user data may not make it to the server.  Also part of the “protecting workstations and productivity” equation is the time it can take to restore all the user’s applications and settings in the event of a hard drive crash or system replacement.  Acronins released a very interesting report last month regarding home users and backup but the same is often true regarding the lack of backup strategy for desktop/notebook in small organizations.

Enter two great systems for addressing this issue:

Rebit Automated Backup System – In an earlier post we blogged about the Rebit, an external automated real-time backups system. Very cool and very practical, particularly for a few users, independent users and users who travel. 

For larger organizations, it may not be practical to purchase a Rebit for every desktop or notebook that you want to backup. The tried and true method for addressing desktops configurations is to create and store an image on the server for the standard desktops and notebooks.  This is sometimes called a “golden image” and is typically created by a network administrator for desktops and notebooks.  For smaller organizations, this can present more of a challenge because configurations are not that standardized and there is often not an administrator on staff to take care of this. 

To address this need The Launch Pad is introducing RevITup ImageBack™

“ImageBack is an on-demand service available to all Launch Pad clients and can be set up as an optional addon for Silver and Basic Business Care.   The way that it works is that a Launch Pad engineer will create images for all desktop and notebook users that maintain critical applications and provide critical services to the organizations.   Each image snapshot will be stored on the server and available to restore in the event a system or hard drive is replaced.

For Business Care  clients, the fee is $79 per unique image and $99 per unique image  for non-business care clients.  Business Care Platinum clients can opt for this service at no charge (one-time per workstation during installation).  The image will be a snapshot of entire hard drive for any workstations desired.  We can also make standard “per department” golden images.  The engineer will also make recommendations for managing ongoing updated data backup if data is also being stored on the workstation.  The main benefit is the 3 -5 hours of billable time that will be avoided in the event of a hardware failure (or lost notebook).   This also means you will not have to hunt for software, licenses, tweak user settings or worry about customized settings for that user.   Worry-free IT!

To request this service, please e-mail or contact your Client Solutions Manager.

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