The Best Browser Privacy Tools (That Don’t Make Life More Difficult) Part 2 – Reposted from Techlicious

techlicious2Recently Techlicious posted a great article by Natasha Stokes on browser privacy tools that won’t impact your browsing experience.  We wanted to share the article with our readers in a five part re-post. Here is the second installment:

Browse in Private Mode

Seeing targeted advertising probably doesn’t bother most people if all they’re surfing for is news, cute cat pictures or a new iPhone. But for looking up information about something like health concerns, privacy mode allows you to browse without associating the search with your existing profile.

To open a private window in your browser.

?Firefox: Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P

?Chrome: Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N

?Safari: Safari/Private Browsing

?Internet Explorer: Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P

This turns off your web history and enables the cookies necessary for the site to work but blocks third-party cookies. At the end of the session, all cookies are deleted.

The downside

Browsing in Privacy Mode does not stop the website from recording that you were there based on your IP address, which can still be tracked. And, crucially, privacy mode doesn’t stop social networks from tracking you. It’s best used for hiding activity on a shared computer rather than actually remaining invisible online.

To learn more about the tools and strategies to keep your business secure in today complex technology landscape, join us on October 30th for our latest RevITup TechEd Webinar, Security Unmasked – Exposing The Technology Monsters in Your Business. Contact Megan Meisner for more information at or call 813-448-7100 x210.

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