Eliminate Schedule Conflicts, Save Time & Money with When I Work

when I workHaving a disorganized employee scheduling process can be costly, wastes valuable time, and is frustrating for everyone. Having a streamlined scheduling solution so everyone, including remote employees can easily see when and where they are expected to work is key for a small business to flourish and grow. When I Work is a web and mobile applicatino that functions as a complete scheduling system, and with an add-on, can manage payroll too.

When I Work is a simple, online staff scheduling solution that uses cutting edge technology to allow managers to easily create web-based work schedules for hourly workers and handles complex issues like variable shifts and time-off requests. The app also provides users with a number of advanced modules for attendance tracking and mobile employee communication. Offering a number of vertical based templates, which can be customized for your company. When creating a schedule, When I Work automatically shows scheduling conflicts based on preferences it’s users have built into their schedules. Managers have access to information about staff availability and can communicate with employees about open shifts that are available using two-way text messaging and email alerts. Reminders can be sent a few hours or days in advance to smart phones to remind staff of upcoming shifts.

When I Work Attendance has a time-clock tool to track employee attendance. Using their PCs or smart device, employees can clock in and out to mark their time worked. If an employee forgets to clock in, a reminder alert is sent to prompt them. If an employee is getting close to working over-time hours, managers are sent an actionable alert to approve or disapprove the over-time.

When I Work is a great solution for managing remote staff. By enabling managers to review and edit shift schedules from their phones, and by giving hourly workers an easy way to communicate with their bosses and each other via text and email, When I Work is able to decrease missed shifts, conflicting schedules, and eliminates unanticipated overtime costs.

When I Work is completely FREE for companies with up to five employees. For larger organizations, When I Work is offered as a subscription on a month-to-month basis. Subscription is as low as $0.25 per employee per week ($1/month) and discounts are offered if you pre-pay for the entire year.

For more information on solutions for running your businesses’ technology more efficiently, visit our website or contact Megan Meisner at mmeisner@launchpadonline.com or 813 448-7100 x210

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