May 4th is World Password Day | Have You Changed Your Password Lately?

May 4th has been designated World Password Day to remind everyone to use strong, updated passwords to protect themselves against cyber attacks. This year the date aligns with Star Wars Day – May the Fourth be With You.

Even if this is all a bit too geeky for you, it is a good reminder for everyone to redouble your security measures and strengthen passwords. Recent studies show that 90% of all passwords are vulnerable to attack in just seconds. A shocking 98% of accounts are still using the one of 10,000 most common passwords like 12345678 or qwerty. 21% of online users are relying on passwords that are 10 years old.

So go ahead and celebrate World Password Day by updating your passwords with new ones that have nine or more characters, including a mix of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols. Mask out most of the new password content when stored electronically so hackers can’t read them. Finally, only use password managers that practice a high level of security and have been fully vetted.

For more information on solutions for running your businesses’ technology more efficiently, visit our website or contact Megan Meisner at or 813 448-7100 x210.

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