Your website exists to help your prospective customers achieve certain business goals, solve a problem or fill a need. Yet, why is it that so many websites focus on the company, the business and the products behind the website, instead of focusing on the customer? Almost every website is stuffed with the...
Better BDR Management – Create a Non-Critical Data Partition for Storage
Our RevITup Backup and Disaster Recovery Series may be the best thing since sliced bread... and we are constantly looking for ways to make it even more effective for you. As a fixed-space backup system, it is a great idea to create some separate partitions that can be used for...
Keeping an Eye on Your Business
Convincing your kids that you have eyes in the back of your head might work to deter bad behavior, but it's likely a less effective strategy for keeping making sure that your workplace stays safe and productive. One way to contend with this is to incorporate a survellience system into...
Better than Broccoli – Managed IT is Green IT
Green IT is People
Tips to Protect Against Viruses and Malware
Sometimes viruses are simply a hassle and time-consumer. In the worst cases they can mean a total reinstallation of your operating system—and sometimes damage to your hardware. With the recent spate of virus threats, it's a good time to revisit your company's virus and malware protection. While the only absolute...