For small businesses, CRM or Client Relationship Management software is a key tool for building and managing your sales and marketing efforts. Customer relationship management, or CRM, is the process of managing your client interactions in order to build mutually beneficial, competition-blocking, enduring relationships. By capturing insightful information about your...
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Simple GreenIT Tip for Printers Saves Big Dollars
Most documents do not need to be printed in more than "draft mode" which for most documents will not even be noticeable. This reduces ink and toner costs by as much as 50%. Similarly, using duplexing (double-sided) whenever possible can significantly reduce paper costs. So the best strategy is to...
Get Mobile & Go Green
Easy-toGreen FactIT: Laptop computers are more resource efficient than desktops. A typical laptop with an LCD monitor consumes less than half the amount taken by an equivalent desktop/monitor pair - about 570 kWh per year. A business with 50 computers could have saved more than $10,000 per year by switching...
TechRec Quick Tip – Office 2007 Download
Office 2007 is commonly sold in media-less license mode which means you have to send away to get the actual installation disk. Or, it may have come pre installed on your PC. If you need to get a backup copy, you can download it from the Microsoft website. That way...