Thank you for everyone who attended our webinar, "Don't Get Data Duped: Blasting Myths of Data Protection”. If you were not able to attend and would like to download a copy of the presentation you can here. We had some very good questions asked during the webinar so we wanted...
Go Ahead and Take Google Drive for a Test Ride
Google Drive... Like all Google product launches, Drive caused a big buzz around the internet. But what is Google Drive? Should you spend your time trying to figure it out? We took a deeper dive into Google Drive and compared it to other similar offerings to make it easier for...
Tips & Tricks to Pimp Your Next PowerPoint Presentation
Here's a familiar scenario: You've been asked to prepare a presentation that is informative, engaging, and will energize the meeting participants. You know your subject matter is great but how can you quickly and easily create a PowerPoint presentation that will do the material justice and won't lose your audience...
TechRec – Mobile App Series: Salesforce, Lyris HQ and LinkedIn
If you have an Android phone you may have been trying to figure out what happened to your Android Market in the last few weeks. Well, it isn't gone! Google just rebranded and you can now find it labeled as Google Play. As of March 2012, Google reports there are...
Bringing Home the Bacon! The Launch Pad Team at the Hernando County Fair Greased Pig Contest
On April 10th, 2012 The Launch Pad Team headed down to the Hernando County Fair to participate in the annual Greased Pig Contest. We were not able to celebrate a win but we all had a good time and a great laugh!! Below are some of the images from the...