RevITup VirtualGreen™ Office – Part Two

  Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop and XenServerIn order to be able to create a virtualized environment where multiple "severs" can run within a single physical box, you need to have software that sits underneath the sever operating system.  Citrix and VMware are the two industry standards for Windows-based virtualization.  Citrix has...

Going Green Means Saving Green: RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ – Part One

Part One - RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ Why go Virtual? Why choose the Launch Pad's VirtualGreen Office™? As our previous posts on virtualization covered, there are three main points to going green. Green is not some marketing term used to sell a product, and its not some hot trend or fad that...

Windows 7: Legacy Applications – Here We Go Again (part 4 of 7 part series)

In IT the term "legacy" crops up every once in a while.  Once used to loosely define applications that ran on mainframes, as/400's, etc; legacy applications now have a new definition. Legacy applications, in terms of Windows programs, are any application that will not run in Windows 7 native. Windows 7...