Recently, Research in Motion (RIM) released BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express, a free download that enables BlackBerry users to synchronize with their business email, calendar, contacts, tasks and more. While it's a great solution for smaller businesses who were looking for an alternative to purchasing the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, no cost isn't really...
10 Reasons Why Windows 7 is Better Than Vista
We have all seen the commercials by Apple putting down Windows Vista ever since its release. Same thing is true for the new Windows 7 operating system that was released October 22nd, 2009. Before Windows 7 was released to the public I was able to review the new Microsoft Operating...
How Much Power Are Your Servers Using?
Energy consumption and the dollar amount that comes every month on the power bill is a concern for many small and mid-sized businesses. Generally companies will have multiple servers running to keep their programs, email and data functioning around the clock and they fall victim to server bloat. How much...
Your PC in Your Hand – Remote iPhone App
With the 3rd generation of the iPhone more and more applications have become available. The iPhone commercials boast over 85,000 apps. As a new owner of an iPhone myself, I have been searching for all the apps I can possibly find that will make my work day easier while out of...
Number of the Day – 7
Windows 7 became available to the masses on October 22nd. The Launch Pad has highlighted many of the new features of Windows 7 in previous blogs. With all of Winows 7's updates and increases in functionality it really is time to let go of XP . I admit that XP is...