We are gearing up for our latest webinar “Blue Skies, Green Clouds – The Hottest Ways to Squeeze Value from the Cloud” and wanted to share some of our favorite Green Technology blogs from the past.
To discover how to grow your business in the Cloud, save “green” and “Go Green” in 2012 be sure to download our webinar.
- Debriefing the Cloud Clutter – What is the Cloud? Who is running it? Why does my business need it? All your questions are answered in our bare bone basics of the Cloud.
. - TechRec: Reducing Paper is Easy with a Little Bit of Magic – Discover how to easily scan documents, articles, receipts and business cards to reduce waste.
. - Easy-to-be-Green; The Launch Pad’s Green Printing Quiz – Test how Green your companies printing practices are and learn a few easy tips to help save your business money.
. - This is In; This is Green – Learn how Thin Client Technology can Lower your IT Costs – Learn why you should consider a thin client solution and lower your technology costs.
. - SMBs: 5 Reasons Server Virtualization is a Must for Your Next Server Refresh – Not convinced Virtualization is the way to go? Discover how you can reduce hardware costs, power consumption and management.
To learn more about how the Cloud and Green IT can benefit your business sign up for our RevITup TechEd Lunch & Learn webinar. Space is limited so make sure you register now!