Password managers vastly simplify your life while simultaneously improving your security. They can generate secure passwords and two-factor authentication codes, and make it easy to share credentials. Today we’ll look at the best free tools for the job. Should You Use a Free Password Manager? The importance of a password...
RevITup TechBytes Technology Blog
Battery Health Tips: How to Make Your Phone Battery Last Longer
Many of us rely on our phones for work, relaxation, and staying in touch with loved ones, so it’s a good idea to do everything possible to avoid wearing your battery our prematurely. Here are some tips and tricks to delay its wear and tear and keep it in good...
Improve Productivity and Efficiency with iOS 16’s Voice Recognition and Dictation
Voice recognition and dictation have come a long way in recent years, and with iOS 16’s updated features, both can be powerful tools for improving productivity and accuracy when writing emails, replying to messages or typing out documents on your Mac, iPhone or iPad. In this tutorial, I will teach...
Now You Can Program Buttons and Keys on Logitech’s Mice and Keyboards
Logitech has taken my favorite keyboard and mouse and improved them with a free update to the Logi Options+ software. While you’ve been able to customize keys and mouse clicks to perform specific functions, the software update includes a new feature called Smart Actions, which lets you execute a series...
Zero-Day Exploit Found Affecting Chrome and Edge Browsers
As reported by the security blog Sophos Security, Google's Threat Research Group has found an active zero-day exploit that could let hackers into your computer through your Chrome or Edge browser. Zero-day vulnerabilities are especially concerning due to hackers having already discovered and exploited the flaw in active attacks. Luckily,...