How to Protect Your Privacy When Selling Your Phone

If your current phone is ready for retirement or you need to sell your current phone to upgrade to a new model, follow these steps to keep your data private. We generate about 50 million metric tons of e-waste every year. That's equal to the weight of almost 4,500 Eiffel...

How to Safely Dispose of an Old Computer

Have an old computer lying around the house? Don't just throw it away. Computers house all sorts of toxins that are bad for the environment and all of us who live in it. Not to mention the personal information—passwords, account numbers, license keys or registration numbers for software programs, addresses and...

Why E-waste Should be at the Forefront of a Company’s Cybersecurity Plan

Electronic waste is a huge problem that the world has to deal with. Every aspect of human existence is now invaded by electronic devices-TVs, servers, phones, refrigerators, and the rest. This has led to an unprecedented increase in the volume of e-waste in the world. In America alone, e-waste forms...