TechRec: The 3M Pocket Projector MP180 Is Packed With It All!

Many gadgets claim to be the all-in-one solution for the mobile workforce. Business professionals have heard time and time again that this product or that product will change the way they do business. But we REALLY think we've found a tool that will revolutionize the way road warriors' travel and...

TechRec: Reducing Paper Is Easy With A Little Bit of Magic

We think Magic Wand is the perfect name for VuPoint Solutions Portable Digital Scanner. Weighing less than a pound, the wand is able to scan color or monochromatic documents, articles, receipts, business cards or anything that might need to leave paper and become digital on the fly.  Scanning with the...

Thin is In; Thin is Green – Learn How Thin Client Technology Can Lower your IT Costs

Thin clients are computing devices that function as an access device on a network. These solid-state devices connect over a network to a server where the bulk of the processing takes place. Thin clients have no hard drive, allowing for more secure storage of data and applications on the server....

TechRec: It’s Easy Printing Green

A lot of businesses have made the commitment to "go paperless” but for many organizations eschewing printing altogether really isn't a viable option.  Choosing the right printing tools and embracing some green printing best practices can go a long way towards helping reduce your company's energy consumption and lowering your...