Everyone who visits our new headquarters notices the three beautiful monitors that our CEO, Ilene Rosoff uses in her office. With a sleek white case and spherical ring stand, the ASUS MS228H LCD Design Series Displays look as amazing as the user experience they provide. At The Launch Pad's TechCircus | Ribbon Cutting and Open...
Why Should Nonprofits Care About Cloud Computing?
If you are a small to medium-sized nonprofit, why should you care about cloud computing? Because it can save you time, money and help spare the environment. What Is Cloud Computing? Here is how the CyberOptic Group describes it: Essentially, cloud computing enables computer software and hardware resources to be...
SMBs: 5 Reasons Server Virtualization Is a Must for Your Next Server Refresh
You may be tired of hearing about virtualization and Cloud computing but don't let all of the buzz drown out the real value of breaking out of the server bloat/disposable refresh cycle. The fact remains that virtualization can save a lot of money and management resources with physical to virtual...
Computer Mentors Group, Inc. Lands A “Greenback” Technology Donation
Computer Mentors Group, a local nonprofit organization comprised of computer professionals dedicated to encouraging and guiding at risk youth toward a career in the computer industry, became the latest recipient of a "Greenback” technology donation. The organization received seven desktop workstations donated from various Tampa Bay business organizations. "This donation...
It’s Easy-to-be-Green; Paper-Saving Tech Savings Kit
Implementing a few smart paper saving techniques is a relatively painless yet effective way to go green and save green. This post details a number of key printer settings designed to conserve paper for printed documents. Stepped instructions are provided for making these settings the default for your new documents...