Simple, Elegant, and Green. “Recommerce” Your Old Electronics & Even Make Some Cash

It seems that every month a new cell phone, MP3 player or cool electronic gadget is released, making your current model seem outdated.  Making the decision to upgrade is always exciting but what to do with the old model?  Unfortunately there haven't been many places where you can easily recycle old electronic...

Going Green Means Saving Green: RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ – Part One

Part One - RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ Why go Virtual? Why choose the Launch Pad's VirtualGreen Office™? As our previous posts on virtualization covered, there are three main points to going green. Green is not some marketing term used to sell a product, and its not some hot trend or fad that...

ChannelPro Magazine Presents a 2-Part Webinar Series Announcing Rollout of The Launch Pad’s Franchise Offering

RevITup™ Enterprises Presents MSP Business-in-a-Box The Launch Pad's Managed Services Franchise - Your Ticket to Fast Growth Webinar Part 1 Aired Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:00pm Sign up to view the archive. ChannelPro Magazine presents the "Success Series" of webinars - a two-part series introducing " A Managed Services Franchise...