Wednesday, September 30th 2009 11:30AM - 12:30PM Everyone is talking about Green IT. But what is "Green IT" and what does it really mean for your small or medium-sized business? How can you identify inefficiencies within your company and implement cost effective strategies that save your business money and reduce...
Simple GreenIT Tip for Printers Saves Big Dollars
Most documents do not need to be printed in more than "draft mode" which for most documents will not even be noticeable. This reduces ink and toner costs by as much as 50%. Similarly, using duplexing (double-sided) whenever possible can significantly reduce paper costs. So the best strategy is to...
Get Mobile & Go Green
Easy-toGreen FactIT: Laptop computers are more resource efficient than desktops. A typical laptop with an LCD monitor consumes less than half the amount taken by an equivalent desktop/monitor pair - about 570 kWh per year. A business with 50 computers could have saved more than $10,000 per year by switching...
Defrag – It Really Is a Big Deal
A computer is only as fast as its slowest component--and the disk drive lays claim to that dubious distinction. So rather than opting for a faster CPU or more memory, go for the least expensive option and enhance machine performance with a defragmenter. It will free up time for you,...
Bay Area Businesses: Give Back with GreenBack™ Community Outreach Program for Nonprofits
In addition to facilitating eCycling services for clients, gently used PCs and other equipment will be recycled back into the community and made available to nonprofit organizations throughout the Bay area. If you are a nonprofit organization, you can sign up on our website through the Easy-to-GreenIT link with your...