12 Hardware and Software Vulnerabilities You Should Address Now

Hardware and software that live past their end-of-life dates pose serious risks to organizations. Find out which assets you should update, upgrade or replace ASAP. It's not a stretch to say that most organizations have at least some old hardware and software still in use. An old computer that's still...

Thinking of Donating Your Old PC? Protect Your Data With File Shredder

Ridding your PC of sensitive data is a critical step before donating or recycling your old computer. Many recyclers, including our GreenBack Ecycle Program partner wipe hard drives but what if you don't have a trusted recycler or are planning on giving your workstation to someone else? Many people believe...

TechRec – Increase Productivity, Get Organized & Save Trees with Notability

Like a lot of people who work in a fast paced work environment, I find myself scribbling meeting notes and reminders on scraps of paper. Because we document everything at The Launch Pad it's important that I take the time to transcribe critical notes and meeting action items in our...

What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud Computing? Reposted from TechSoup

We've all been talking about cloud computing for several years now but until recently mostly enterprise level organizations have been able to take advantage of many of the existing cloud technology services available.  These days, there are a lot of great cloud options scaled for small businesses, non-profits and libraries...

Happy Earth Day 2015! How Do You Plan to Celebrate?

On Wednesday, April 22, we will be celebrating the 45th annual Earth Day.  This is the perfect occasion to think about how you can incorporate green strategies into your everyday business processes and technologies. Green or clean technology not only helps the environment but can also improve business operations and...