Does Your Business Need A ZenTechnology Reality Checklist for the New Year?

Is your businesses technology effectively supporting its needs? In order to help determine where your IT systems are working and where changes need to be made for the new year, we will be outlining a 10-Point Technology Reality Check. This RevITup™ TechEd Series will break down each component of the checklist and wrap up with a 5-Step Action Plan for making changes that will get you back on track and prevent you from losing control of your technology direction in the future.

Part One: Are Your IT Solutions Effectively Supporting Your Business Needs?

The IT systems used within your business should be sufficient to support both your employees and your customers – at all times. These systems should streamline and improve your business-critical functions like accounts payable, accounts receivable, sales, marketing, HR, customer service and others. Appropriate staff and outside resources required for managing and maintaining these systems should also be in place. If not, you cannot ensure that the system required will meet business requirements and satisfy customer demand.

Get your TechZen on for the New Year with our latest kit “The 2011 ZenTech Executive Management Kit.” Your kit will include:
? Our latest webinar “Zen & the Art of Technology Management for The New Year” webinar
? Our latest  whitepaper, “Back in Control, an Executive’s Guide to Managing Business-Critical Technology”
? Our Easy-to-GreenIT webinar “Simple Green Technology Strategies for Small Business”
? Free ZenTechnology Audit to evaluate if your IT solutions are effectively supporting your business needs.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Megan Meisner, or 813-920-0788 x210.


Stay Tuned:  Coming soon – Part 2 | Are your IT salaries in line with industry standards?

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