Easy-to-be Green; The Launch Pad’s Green Printing Quiz

If you think your businesses printing practices can’t “Go Green” think again! By implementing a few simple and easy printing tips & tricks your organization can drastically reduce its carbon footprint and save a ton of money in the process!

Take a few minutes to take our Green Printing Quiz. Simply answer “Yes” or “No” to the following questions. After completing the quiz, tally up the number of questions that you answered “Yes” to and review your results.

1. Is your printer default set to print on both sides of the paper?
2. Do you print in draft mode whenever possible?
3. Is your printer set to go to sleep after 5 – 10 minutes with no activity?
4. Do you read through your emails to determine whether or not it is necessary for them to be printed?
5. Do you use recycled paper whenever possible?
6. Are you always on the lookout for greener printer consumables and services?
7. At the end of the work day, do you turn your printer off?
8. Do you use remanufactured toner for standard black and white printing?
9. Do you recycle electronics and parts like circuit boards, memory, printer cartridges, etc?
10. Do you use an energy efficient printer?

If you scored 8 – 10 points
Congratulations! Your business is ahead of the curve and should be considered a “green printing” expert! We would love for you to share any other green printing tips that you have implemented! Keep up the great work!

If you scored 5 – 7 points
Good work! Your organization is headed in the right direction. Try implementing 1 or 2 of the points mentioned in the quiz to improve your businesses printing practices.

If you scored below 5 points
Yikes! While your company might not currently be practicing green printing there is great news – You can make a real difference. Review our list and outline a green printing strategy for your business. By implementing only a few of the tips, your business will enjoy a cost savings and could drastically reduce its carbon footprint.

Are you looking for “greener” printing hardware? Stay tuned to our Easy-to-be Green Blog Series, we found 2 printers that will help your business save the planet!

For more information on Green IT strategies view our Easy-to-GreenIT™ page or download our webinar, “Simple Green Technology for Small Business.”

Megan Meisner, Easy-to-Green Program Services Director:  mmeisner@launchpadonline.com or 813-920-0788 x210.

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