One of the greatest benefits of cloud storage is the ability for remote sales and marketing professionals to easily access and share documents. Many organizations took advantage of the multitude of inexpensive cloud storage platforms, often without much pre-planning about where the documents would be located and how users would access and update them over time. While cloud storage is cheap, the time wasted looking for a document can really add up and become expensive – especially when you are working against a deadline. Some organizations tried manual tagging of documents with revision tracking but unfortunately, in many cases this doesn’t scale well over time. Even though companies have invested billions of dollars in content management solutions, nearly 90% of content produced by marketing goes unused.
Touting itself as “Google for your documents” Docurated is a solution that uses a combination of object based signals, tracking search and usage of content in an organization’s various cloud depositories. The premise is the more instances a piece of content such as a slide, document, paragraph or chart has been used across the organization, the more likely the content will be up to date and relevant. Docurated notes how many times a document has been viewed, exported, downloaded or copied. It analyzes how the content was shared, modified and used in specific sales situations. Usage metrics are provided to marketing departments so they know how their content is being used by sales and sales and marketing can track what content has traction and is actually closing sales.
To use Docurated, companies don’t have to change their workflow or update shared folder conventions. Essentially the file and folder concept is now a misnomer. It’s all about searching for the documents you need and collecting them. Enter a search query, and Docurated will not only return relevant documents, it will search for text inside the documents and identify the passages. This allows you to select the specific paragraphs or graphics inside the document that you want to use. Once selected, export the data into a PowerPoint presentation or .pdf file. Docurated automatically preserves existing authorization and permissions structures so that people can only see content that they were previously able to access.
While Docurated is pretty pricey, with subscriptions costing $80/month per user, for many organizations the time it saves along with the increase in sales conversions, Docurated more than pays for itself.
For more information on solutions for running your businesses’ technology more efficiently, visit our website or contact Megan Meisner at or 813 448-7100 x210.