Going Green Means Saving Green: RevITup VirtualGreen Office™ – Part One

Part One – RevITup VirtualGreen Office

Why go Virtual? Why choose the Launch Pad’s VirtualGreen Office™? As our previous posts on virtualization covered, there are three main points to going green. Green is not some marketing term used to sell a product, and its not some hot trend or fad that will fade away when a new one comes out.  There are real-world benefits to going green besides helping out the environment.  (We all have to live somewhere right?)

In an effort to help our small and medium sized business clients incorporate green strategies and move to a consolidated, virtualized environment for their technology management, we developed and integrated and packaged virtualization solutionpriced for non-enterprise clients; VirtualGreen Office™.  A component of our Easy-To-GreenIT initiative, this is a turnkey solution that includes our design, installation, licenses, migration and training of existing IT staff if needed. Think of it like a virtual network in a box.  It can live on your site or in a data center.  We’ve also created a VirtualGreen Tech Audit and ROI (return on investment) calculator to show you the savings in terms of hardware, management and power consumption, both short and long term.

So when you decide to choose The Launch Pad’s VirtualGreen™ Office what can you expect? First, one of the main concepts here at the Launch Pad is vendor neutrality. We want what’s best for you, the client. With that said, when you go with our Virtual Green Office, there are two flavors to choose from; Citrix Xen and VMware vSphere. So why would we recommend Citrix sometimes and VMware others? Simple, its what’s best for you.

Both Citrix and VMware have their strengths and weaknesses. We take our knowledge gained by being your Managed Service Provider (you are a RevITup Business Care client, right?  If not, click here to learn more about on becoming one) and find the right solution for you. So in the second and third parts of this three part series, I’ll cover the benefits of Citrix’s Xen Solution and VMware’s vSphere 4 Solution.  Like to learn more about how VirtualGreen Office can benefit your organziation? Sign up today for a free Green Technology Assessment.

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