Has Your IT Company Hit a Wall? Tell Us About It. Maybe We Can Help Find the Door

As we draw near to our official RevITup™ franchise launch date and have had opportunity to speak with IT companies from around the world of various sizes, business stages and facing directions, we find one common thread:  They all face challenges which impede their ability to drive the kind of growth that many of them desire.   While there are certainly a large number of echoed sentiments relating to struggles with sales and marketing, these challenges are far from homogeneous.

However, at the end of the day, through the larger lens, the ultimate common denominator is the general inability to make ALL the pieces fit together into a highly functioning and well-oiled machine.  The tools are at hand;  the desire is there; parts of the puzzle are perfectly aligned… but there is a piece or two missing, some secret sauce that seems to bring many of us right up to a certain point… and deposit us in front of the wall we can’t get past.

So, what is it that’s missing? 
It isn’t one thing or another.  It isn’t easily identifiable.  What is really missing is the entire system, in a package… with all of the moving parts working in sync,  ready to drive down the highway.  It’s the chalk that you can take out of your pocket when you are staring at the wall,  scratching your head … and draw a door to walk through to the other side.  As our Franchise Business Development Manager so astutely points out; “It is very difficult to change a tire in a moving car… especially if you are the one driving.”

We don’t evangelize a Launch Pad Franchise as being the perfect fit for every IT company or every entrepreneur.  What we do know is that we have developed an airtight model, boxed and ready for consumption,  based on almost two decades of success in IT services that is a great fit for a core group of forward-thinking IT Service companies and visionary entrepreneurs ready to invest the time and energy to apply the solution.

The question is, are you one of them? 
Even if you are not, we would love to hear from you and we suspect that the IT service community would as well.  We encourage you to post your challenges and share what your wall looks like.  We believe the underpinnings of our success as a Franchise is based on all of you, whether you become directly involved in a Launch Pad franchise or not.  We consider this to be the start of a very long conversation and we invite all of you to join in.  The road to success is journied one day at a time and one challenge at a time.  With the right approach  we learn, when confronted with the wall, how to take the chalk out of our pocket, draw a door and make our way to the other side.

Ilene Rosoff
RevITup Enterprises
The Launch Pad Franchise

Visit our webiste to learn more about Launch Pad franchise opportunities.

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