Join Our Customer Referral Program

First, I would like to wish everyone happiness and prosperity for the New Year and let all of our clients know how much I appreciate your business. We feel truly fortunate to have you as a client!

As many of you know, our offices are “dog friendly” and we are absolute proponents of the having our four-legged companions at large.  However, we’ve had many visits with prospective clients whose technology seems to have fallen victim to an unruly pack of wild canines.  We can help tame the beast!   If you are happy with our services and know of someone whose IT has gone to the dogs and would benefit from our services can you, do me a favor, and introduce them to our Business Care IT Services?

You would be doing this as a personal favor to me and since they are being referred by you, we will extend a COMPLIMENTARY Business Technology Needs Analysis to them. As a show of my appreciation, any referral you send our way that becomes a client earns you $500.00 in cash or services for the first referral and $1000 for the 2nd referral in the same year! After all, advertising is expensive and I would rather reward you and invest in the people you refer than in other forms of advertising. Click here to join our referral program!

Many Thanks,

*I will be 100% respectful of your referrals’ time and wishes and I will personally make the initial contact. Of course, our free offer to them comes with no obligations and we will take very good care of anyone your send our way!

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