Simple GreenIT Tip for Printers Saves Big Dollars

Most documents do not need to be printed in more than “draft mode” which for most documents will not even be noticeable. This reduces ink and toner costs by as much as 50%.  Similarly, using duplexing (double-sided) whenever possible can significantly reduce paper costs.  So the best strategy is to set all printer drivers to default to draft mode, duplex if available.  This can be done at the user level for local printers by going into the Control Panel, Printers & Faxes.  Right-click on each printer and choose Properties.  From there, depending on the printer, look for the setting that refers to either Econo Mode or Draft Mode. Set that as the default.  For printers centrally managed from the server, this is even easier.  Simply make this the default setting for the server driver.  Once this is done, instruct users that they will need to change the setting to non-duplex or regular quality when needed.

For future technology purchases, buy duplexing (double-sided) printers.  Eliminate as many local printers on each user’s desk as possible.  This is extremely inefficient. Instead purchase centrally located workgroup printers rated for low per-page cost and power efficiency.  Printing and power efficiencies of new printer models can actually offset the cost of purchase.  See HP’s Cost Analysis to understand how this works out.   Plus, there is no way easy to monitor printer usage.  Inexpensive duplexing add-ons and built in duplexing are available now for many printers. 

To assist with cost and time associated with printer supplies and consumables, sign on for our EasyOrder Printer Supply program designed to help businesses save money and centralize management of supply ordering.  For more information, visit our B2B Web Online store.  We have over 1000 printers to choose from.  If you need help with the selection process, contact our Client Solutions Team at 813-920-0788 x202 or e-mail

One Comment

  1. Alexa

    I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now and it does make a big difference on my printing expenses. Plus, being conscientious about my consumption patterns gives me the warm fuzzies. Thanks for sharing!

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