Spot Unreliable Online Reviewer Scams with Fakespot

More than half of US consumers with Internet access shop online at least once a month. When selecting an item to purchase, most of us look for products with the most favorable reviews. Unfortunately, there are a number of unscrupulous online sellers who post fake product reviews to lure you to purchasing their products. Fakespot is a free online service that scans product reviews and reviewers to see if they are real or counterfeit.

Using proprietary technology to analyze millions of product reviews, Fakespot looks for suspicious patterns and incentivized reviews, weeding out reviews that appear to be unreliable. To analyze a product review, simply cut and paste the URL of any Amazon product or Yelp, TripAdvisor or Apple App Store review on the Fakespot webpage. After just a few seconds, the site provides a review grade and indicates specific reviews that appeared to be fake and why. Fakespot also offers a browser extension and iOS and Android apps so you can get instant analysis results without leaving your shopping page.

As the holiday shopping season approaches, Fakespot can help you make better online purchasing choices with trusted, authentic reviews.

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