According to Nielsen, the number of Apps on an average smartphone has increased 28% over the past year from 32 to 41. Smartphone owners in the US have grown from 38 million in 2011 to 84 million in 2012 – a 121% increase in 1 year! Every month The Launch...
TechRec – Mobile App Series: Salesforce, Lyris HQ and LinkedIn
If you have an Android phone you may have been trying to figure out what happened to your Android Market in the last few weeks. Well, it isn't gone! Google just rebranded and you can now find it labeled as Google Play. As of March 2012, Google reports there are...
TechRec – Mobile App Series: Springpad, Scan2PDF and Documents to Go
Did you know that out of the 4 billion mobile phones in use, 1.08 billion are smartphones?! One of the major advantages to having a smart phone is being able to download apps... but how do you know what apps to download? Every month in our Mobile App Series Tech...