TechRec: Harnesses the Power of the Cloud by Bring Busy People Together With Ease

In celebration of our upcoming webinar, this month we are immersed in reviewing web apps… big ones, little ones, fat ones and skinny ones… so we can give you the skinny on what cool and not so cool.  Read on:

Are you still waiting for your personal assistant to walk through the door? As a business owner or busy professional your days are full of juggling important tasks, responsibilities and meetings. Understandably, the day sometimes gets away and meetings are missed leaving your coworkers, clients, and prospects sometimes frustrated or unproductive. While we all feel we could use a personal assistant, resources do not always permit. Don’t let that be an excuse for not making and running productive meetings. Enhance productivity with TimeBridge, a web application that makes it incredibly easy to schedule and lead great meetings—and follow up after you meet.

TimeBridge is an innovative scheduling system for business professionals enabling them to share calendars across companies and calendaring systems. TimeBridge harnesses the power of the Cloud in 5 ways:

1.) Finds the best time to meet with a single email – TimeBridge coordinates everyone’s calendar and confirms the best time automatically.
? Proposes up to 5 times that works best for you
? Let’s attendees specify which times they prefer
? Juggles everyone’s schedules and picks the best time to meet

2.) Share your availability – Share schedules with individual contacts. Connect a team with TimeBridge Groups. Or announce your availability to the world.
? Share your availability with anyone regardless of what calendar system they are on – Outlook, Google or Apple iCal
? Easily schedule team meetings by checking everyone’s availability at a glance
? Make it easy for others to get on your calendar, with “Meet with Me” to share free/busy availability information without revealing your calendar details

3.) Don’t let late-comers slow you down – TimeBridge automatically nudges attendees with email and SMS reminders. Everyone just shows up. No nagging required! 

4.) Stay on-topic and on-time, every time – Use TimeBridge to stick to your agenda, capture outcomes, and leave the meeting ready for action.
? Corral every document, idea and detail in “The Meeting Room”
? Share agenda and monitor meeting progress against the agenda

5.) Meet on the fly – Need to pow-wow ASAP? TimeBridge’s “Meet Right Now” feature allows you to convene an impromptu meeting without sending a zillion emails.

Want to learn more about harnessing Cloud power? Join us for Part 3 of our RevITup TechEd™ Cloud Webinar Series on Thursday, March 31st, “Riding the Cloud: 10 Ways to Harness Cloud Power for Your Business.”

For more information on the upcoming Webinar or Cloud Computing solutions, please contact Megan Meisner at or 813 920 0788 x210.

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