TED.com – Ideas Worth Spreading

If you are looking for something that will inspire you, expand your way of thinking, or even sometimes amuse you, I guarantee that you will find it on TED.com.  TED.com began in 1994 as a small nonprofit devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading” and over time has expanded it’s scope to include annual conferences, a community program, an annual TED Prize, and the award-winning TEDTalks video site.  The organization believes in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world and posts video presentations on a range of topics organized by theme by some of the most inspired thinkers of our time.

While many of the talks are riveting, the TED Technology pieces are particularly interesting.  The technology presentations topics range from illuminating talks on what’s next in technology, how technology, history & destiny are intertwined, and the environmental debate between economic progress and preservation of the planet.  One of my favorites is George Whitesides: Toward a Science of Simplicity.

We have an unofficial policy at The Launch Pad that we all watch a TED.com post every day and tweet the presentations that really resonate for us.    Take some time to browse the site,  but be careful, it can be a little bit addictive.

One Comment

  1. dental hygienist

    Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article

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