The Dogs Have Their Day. The Launch Pad Team Strides for Strays

smokeyAs many of you are aware, The Launch Pad is a strong supporter of animal-friendly environments, like our offices and rescue organizations.   Many of our team members have been past participants in the annual Stride for Strays which benefits The Animal Coalition of Tampa.  This year’s was especially trying for the organization.   In April, the organization’s animal health care clinic was destroyed by an arson fire, killing three beloved cats who called the clinic home.

This year team Launch Pad was formed to benefit The Animal Coalition of Tampa Fire Recovery Fund.  Our team member successfully raised several hundred dollars for ACT and had a great time.  On October 19th, The Launch Pad Team (including our furry team members) headed over to Raymond James Stadium to participate in Stride for Strays, a 3K dog walk and Fun Fest.

It was a beautiful day for the walk.  Our human and dog team successfully completed the walk and then enjoyed visiting the booths and meeting other participants. Leading the pack was Smokey, a very exuberant Australian Shepherd/ Grey Wolf hybrid rescued by our CEO, Ilene Rosoff.

The highlight of the day was watching a very exuberant Smokey go all out on the agility run (4 times).

The fund raiser was a great success with 931 donors helping 282 fundraisers to raise $100,274.35 for Animal Coalition of Tampa. It’s not too late to make a donation.

Smokey Blasting Through the Agility Course

[youtube ]XjDbklen3UI[/youtube]

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