The Sky’s the Limit: Signing Your Business onto the Cloud – Part I

geckoboardThe conversation about running a business in the cloud and cloud computing has really evolved over the last few years.  Early discussions,  once we explained what the cloud actually is, centered primarily on how migrating hardware and applications to the cloud could reduce equipment investments and increase energy savings. Next we began talking about how to innovate business processes in the cloud and securely mobilizing workforces so that remote teams could work efficiently and securely anywhere in the world.

The value proposition of the cloud has become fairly commonly understood with recent surveys showing that almost 70% of SMBs recognize the benefits that the cloud offers including lowering costs, spurring growth and boosting customer engagement. The 3rd wave of our cloud conversation is about how to manage mission critical business applications in the cloud to increase productivity and realize even greater cost reductions. In our newest series of blog posts, we will examine cloud applications that are part of the cloud’s 3rd wave; apps that allow businesses to reap the true benefits of being in the cloud.
In our first series installment, we will cover Geckoboard, a customizable dashboard that integrates with all of the online services you already are using allowing you to monitor at a glance the “vital signs” of your business.

For any small business owner, keeping an eye on all of the elements of the business can be a huge challenge.  Monitoring web analytics while managing your sales pipeline, your CRM, and ongoing projects while responding to customer support requests efficiently would be daunting to the most entrepreneurial spirit. Geckoboard could be the solution you’ve been waiting for.  Geckoboard is a cloud-based or hosted solution that offers a streamlined dashboard showing aggregated real-time data from all of your disparate 3rd party services and online business applications. The web-based application comes with some basic elements already installed so when you are setting your dashboard up for the first time, you can view samples to help you get started.  To begin customizing and adding your apps, simply click “Add Widget” and a list of commonly used applications populates to be added as connections.  These apps include Salesforce, Twitter, Basecamp, Gmail and Google Analytics to name just a few.  If you don’t see the applications you are using, Geckoboard allows you to create custom widgets or APIs allowing you to build connections from scratch.

Geckoboard can be easily customized to offer different dashboard views for sales, management and service and can be displayed on HDTVs in the workplace or on smaller devices like tablets or smartphones with specially optimized versions for iPads and iPhones. It is fairly easy to set up and once your basic configuration is created, it is a snap to tweak and modify.  With three different pricing plans, Geckoboard offers solutions to meet the needs of almost any business running in the cloud. Want to give it a try without making a commitment? Geckoboard offers a free 30-day trial.

Learn how your business can benefit from cloud services and hosted applications with our free RevITup SilverCloud Assessment. For more information on solutions for running your businesses’ technology more efficiently, visit our website or contact Megan Meisner at or 813 920 0788 x210.

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