The Sky’s the Limit: Signing Your Business onto the Cloud – Part VIII

tempoIn our newest blog series, we are discussing the 3rd wave of the cloud conversation – how to manage mission critical business applications in the cloud to increase productivity and realize a greater reduction in the cost of running your business.  In first seven installments of the series, we covered Geckoboard, AwayFind, inDinero, Highrise, WorkFlowy, Boxmeup and finally eHour .  In this edition of the series, we will discuss an app for iPhones that functions like a calendar with artificial intelligence.

There are a number of “virtual assistant” web applications in the marketplace but instead of streamlining and organizing your daily agendas, many create chaos by producing information that is difficult to decipher or is out of context and hard to relate to actual scheduled events.  Using technology from SRI, the company behind SIRI, Tempo is a context-aware calendar application that can connect with all of your existing accounts and provides detailed integrated information in either a calendar or list view. Each entry includes the name, location, and participants for every event including links to participants LinkedIN profile for quick reminders on someone’s background information.  Messages from your email inbox related to the calendar entry as well as related Word and Excel documents, PowerPoint presentations and PDFs that were attached to emails are added for easy access. If you are running late for a meeting, the application’s handy “I’m late” button will contact meeting attendees.

Tempo has the ability to manage your conference calls, displaying dial in numbers and allowing entry of access codes with a single tap.  Flights can be tracked for out of town meetings, and for coordinating meetings on the fly, Tempo integrates with Foursquare and Yelp to help you find a great meeting location.

As with all applications with artificial intelligence, the more you use Tempo the more helpful it is as it learns more about you.  The app learns what is most relevant to you by where you tap.  Due to overwhelming demand, new registrations for Tempo were temporarily suspended but the free application is once again available for download.

Learn how your business can benefit from cloud services and hosted applications with our free RevITup SilverCloud Assessment. For more information on solutions for running your businesses’ technology more efficiently, visit our website or contact Megan Meisner at or 813 920 0788 x210.

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