Who Are Your Remote-Staff SuperStars? Find Out With MySammy

mysammy1One of the most common concerns business owners have when considering making the shift to allow staff to work remotely is the loss of staff productivity. We all have the image of the remote worker sitting in their pjs in their home office, kicked back surfing the web or playing games on their phones during work hours.  With MySammy, managers can easily keep tabs on what remote employees are doing on their computer, while setting and managing individual user’s productivity goals.

MySammy is a productivity measurement solution designed to measure performance of telecommuting employees working remotely.  The software doesn’t monitor the exact details of staff’s computer activity but focuses on productive time with the idea of engaging the user, encouraging productivity and empowering them to excel when working away from the main office.

MySammy measures what application a employee uses and the length of time those applications are being engaged. Utilizing a dashboard view, remote users can be monitored in real time, with colored indicators showing if a user is active, idle, or offline. Mouse over the user and information for the application currently in use will appear showing the app name, the number of key presses and mouse clicks made, when the user began using the application and the last time new data was received from the application. Managers can flag applications and web-sites as “non-productive”, meaning time spent with these applications won’t count towards the user’s overall productivity score. MySammy provides several color codes graphs and reports to help track a user’s productivity for a day-to-day activity and offers the ability to compare overall data for multiple users for comparison and analysis.

MySammy is available in three plan levels. The no cost Starter plan covers up to four users and is a great tool for remote independent contractors to verify the amount of time and effort made on behalf of their various employers. Covering up to 50 users, the Small Business plan is $7 per user per month.  Larger businesses may want to opt for the $17/user/month plan, covering an unlimited number of users and offering more robust and in depth reporting features.    With MySammy, managers of remote workers can rest assured their staff are engaged and actively productive, even if they are still wearing their pjs.

For more information on solutions for running your businesses’ technology more efficiently, visit our website or contact Megan Meisner at mmeisner@launchpadonline.com or 813 920 0788 x210.

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