Who Let the Web In? Time to Up Your Business’s Security IQ

securityiqAre you suffering from misconceptions about safe web browsing? You might think you’re being safe, but web threats are a moving target and controlling employee behavior can be a big challenge for businesses.  However, the most prevalent problem with corporate Internet use is the lack of real understanding by decision makers on where vulnerabilities are and how to implement effective web security.

But don’t worry—you are not alone. In the last several years, a lot of misinformation has circulated on both the extent and risks of what it takes to protect yourself. Eliminating Internet access altogether isn’t practical in today’s online world and increasing Cloud migration.   The first step to upping your Security IQ is understanding both the threat and the tools you need to protect your business.  Here are 5 myths that can jeopardize your business’s web security:

1) We’ve never been infected with Malware, so our users and network are properly protected.
False:First, you may not know you are infected with Malware and what information is being leaked out of your business.  Malware can be insidious and stealthy, doing damage long before you know it exists.

2) We Don’t Need Web Filtering Because Our Users Don’t Waste Time Surfing
False: Ignorance is bliss. The fact is, corporate Internet use that is not business-related and in many cases inappropriate (or potentially legally damaging) goes on an average of 1 to 2 hours per day.

3) You can only get infected if you download files.
False:Hackers inject the malware into the actual web page content.  This code can execute automatically within the browser by simply viewing a web page.

4)  We Block Sites and Control Web Usage.  Our Users are Locked Down.
False:Anonymizing proxies, which trick an organization’s web filter into allowing blocked content, are readily available and regularly exploited by school kids and employees alike.  Just Google “bypass web filter” to see how easy and accessible this information is.

5) Businesses Can’t Secure from Online Threats Without Damaging Freedom.
False: Security solutions that are properly designed to incorporate the right mix of technology tools and enforceable policies provide freedom of access to online tools and sites that your users need while keeping your organization secure.  Security appliances or software and policy settings for groups or individuals don’t need to be complex but they need to be properly designed and implemented.  Working with an IT partner that understands this balance is a crucial piece of the puzzle and a good place to start.

You might think you’re being safe, but web threats, employee behavior, data protection and now the “Cloud” present daunting challenges for any business.  Currently, the most prevalent threat to corporate security is lack of understanding the complexity of security and compliance issues, how to identify vulnerabilities and how to implement effective security policies and tools that can be managed.

RevITup TechEd™ Lunch & Learn Webinar Series

Who Let the Cloud In?  Time to Up Your Business’s Security IQ
10 Essential Internet-Critical Strategies for Securing Your Business, Protecting Data and Meeting Compliance

Date: Thursday, Sept 30th, 2010
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Miss our webinar?  You are welcome to download the archived recording and presentation materials.

For more information contact Megan Meisner at mmeisner@launchpadonline.com or 813 920 0788 x210.

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